Laura & Arturo

How it all began:

When you least expect it, LOVE happens!  Three years ago, Art and Laura had a chance meeting at a mutual friend’s house.  They were both totally unprepared for the introduction but decided to roll with it and chat.  Three hours later and after sharing their past experiences, they parted ways and had no idea if they would ever see each other again.  Laura lived in Los Angeles and Art lived in Las Vegas.  It would take a lot of life changes to put them both in the same city.


Their dear friends then decided a double date was in order so they could see each other again.  It was a magical night and technically their first date.  Art boldly told two total strangers sitting at the black jack table that they were married and then the first kiss came unexpectedly.  Little did Laura and Art know then that this would be the first of a whirlwind relationship and many more kisses to follow from that day forward.  Eight months later, they were engaged, Laura moved to Las Vegas and they started a new life together.


Their first trip together was to Puerta Vallarta and although they’ve traveled to many other places, they always come back to the one destination that is near and dear to their hearts.  They are blessed to have family and friends that have embraced their relationship and now as they make their journey to be Mr & Mrs Romero, they can only hope to have each and every one of you there to join them in celebrating their union.


With love,

The Romero’s To-be!



The Bride and Groom will arrive on Wednesday 12/7/22 and depart on Sunday 12/11/2022

Don’t forget your Passports!


The bride and groom will host a pre-wedding happy hour on the eve of our wedding.  Details to follow as we get closer to the date!


Saturday December 10, 2022

3:30 pm - Guests arrive

4:00 pm - Wedding Ceremony commences

4:30 pm – Cocktails

5:15 pm – Wedding Photos taken

7:00 pm – Dinner

8:30 pm – Let’s get this party started!


Attire:  Beach casual!  Come comfy and relax and enjoy this mini vacation with us!


We kindly request no gifts for our wedding.  Your journey to celebrate our special day and making memories with us in this beautiful destination is more than we could ever expect.  Your presence is the only present needed!

We have hired Destify to make your travel planning easy. Please click on the Resort Page button below for more information about pricing and booking.

Resort Page book now!

Wedding Party